The Eg river is the only outlet of huge Khovsgol lake, one of Mongolia´s top destinations. It starts as an alpine river with clear, slightly blue water and quite a few but easy rapids. It flows through some of the most beautiful landscape of Mongolia, wooded hills with rocky outcroppings and green lush meadows. The further it gets to the South the drier the climate and the more the steppe takes over.As the crow flies a good 400 km to the south the Eg flows into the Selenge river and the Selenge finally into Lake Baikal.
The river is charming, the fishing is comfortable due to opportunity of wading, lack of trees and extremely wide territories. The river feeds from snow and rains. Water is crystal clear even during floods.
This river differs greatly from other rivers of this region. The Eg flows through barren rocky tundra. Everybody who fished this river was charmed by its crystal-clear water and great amounts of taimen, lenok, pike and grayling. Eg has several rivers confluences and these bring nostalgia to those who visit these superb waters at least once with a rod in the hand.
Within a radius of 30km from the camp are some of the most productive fly pools ever fished. Our experienced team takes you to different pools of the river to catch the taimen. All that have visited the taimen areas have been very much impressed by the quality of the fishing. Both fish size and numbers are almost incredible. Thanks to the location of the lodge in the middle of the fishing area, anglers will be able to fish all pools approachable by walking during the trip.
Being of our guest, you, as a fisherman, have a great opportunity to fish for taimen various conditions. To the upriver taimen populations, there are also lots of grayling and lenoks. Very strong tippets and reels with high quality drag systems are necessary to successfully land a taimen.
Eg river flows in absolutely wild area, outside of any human settlements and any roads. Catch and release is strongly recommended for taimen. We well recognize the fragility of these endangered river fish populations.