Conservation & Partnership
As following general rule, when we serve others, we always keep in mind to minimise negative environmental impact, make positive contribution to the conservation of natural heritage, provide more enjoyable experiences for clients through more meaningful connections with local people and generates greater economic benefits for local people and enhances the well-being of host communities and involves local people in decisions that affect their lives and life chances. Therefore, we have a close relationship with local authority and community people.
At the Eg River Taimen Conservation is an important issue to our team and we actively support and are involved in key initiatives and organizations. These organizations pay special attention and recognize the importance of protecting our natural resources and are established to act as environmental stewards. Both publicly and privately funded these kind of organizations are making great strides to ensure that Mongolian water resources will be here for future generations to enjoy. Conservation is extremely important to River Fishing Mongolia as a pro fly angling division of Jargal Expedition LLC. We are involved with many conservation organisations and we practice safe handling techniques.

Proper Fish Handling
Remember that fish are living creatures and should always be treated humanely and make sure you know how to handle it properly.
Catch and Release
If you’re planning to catch and release, it’s vital that you don’t injure the fish by mishandling it. Careful handling and release will ensure the fish survives. When planning to release a fish follow these points:
1. Play and land the fish as quickly as possible. Keep the fish in water while you remove the hook, if you can’t, return the fish to the water as fast as possible.
2. If you use a landing net, use a rubber or tightly woven nylon or cotton-it’s less damaging to the fish.
3. If you have to handle the fish, gently use wet hands, trying not to squeeze.
4. Use barbless hooks and be prepared to cut your leader if the hook is swallowed deeply, the hook will dissolve over time.
5. Revive exhausted fish by holding them upright in the water until they swim away never throw a fish back into the water.
Catch & Release Tagging Program
Catch and release is strongly recommended for taimen fishing. We well recognize the fragility of these fish populations and this helps to ensure that we can maintain a plentiful supply of fish for future generations.
We, at River Fishing Mongolia as a pro fly angling division of Jargal Expedition, are dedicated to the survival and rebuilding of the population of our Taimen. The most crucial and pressing issues are the preservation and the conservation of this unique fishery. We initiate and work with the World Wildlife Fund for Eg River Taimen Conservation. The catch and release program has allowed Mongolia to be recognized as one of the top fishing destinations in the world for Taimen fishing.