River Fishing Mongolia operates seasonally because of annual seasons of Mongolia. The fishing season in Mongolia legally opens on June 15th and closes November 1.
June is time for fresh big ones run. This is when taimen begin feeding aggressively. So if you are eager to catch a monster, it’s your time. During this time lower part of the river is more productive.
Late of the August and beginning of the September is main run of autumn taimen, lenok and trouts. Trout feed actively. It’s time of plenty of bites, light gear with floating lines and good wading possibility. Number of fishing beats become larger, anglers could fish upwards and downwards the camp.
As usual, we take a break taimen fishing from July to late August.
Late August, whole September and October are the most fantastic and beautiful months on Eg River. Lack of mosquitoes coupled with good weather conditions will make your visit here the most comfortable. It is time for those who’d like to investigate as many river pools as possible. Fish is spread all over the river.